Sunday, January 23, 2011

jam on it: shaker squash bread

you may have a bunch of these hangers-on from your summer garden

that are just about ready to jump.

or you might have been caught in the eye at your local farmstore by a few too many of these gorgeous gourds.

or maybe, you just like the smell of damn good bread wafting through your kitchen on a cold winter morn.

shaker squash bread
adapted from country breads of the world by linda colister

1 cup milk
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
scant 1/2 cup sugar (i use raw)
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons instant yeast, or 2 & 1/2 teaspoons rapid rise yeast (that's 1 packet of the kind you find in the grocery store)
1 & 1 /2 heaping cups mashed winter squash, room temperature*
4 cups whole wheat flour
4 cups all purpose-white flour
2 large eggs, room temperature, whisked
melted butter for brushing the top after baking
2 loaf pans, approximately 9x5x3, greased

1. heat milk and 4 tablespoons butter just until butter melts. let cool, stir in salt & sugar.

2. combine yeast with half of the flour, add milk mixture and stir until completely combined. you can do this by hand with a wooden spoon, or in a stand mixture on medium low for about 2 minutes.

3. add squash mash and whisked eggs, stir until combined.

4. gradually work in remainder of flour until the dough is firm but not dry and is lifting from the sides of the bowl. you may not need all of the flour.

5. if you are using a stand mixer with dough hook, turn it up to medium and let it run for 7 minutes. if mixing by hand, turn the dough out to a lightly floured surface and knead for 7-8 minutes.

6. place the dough in a lightly greased bowl - you can do this with a flavorless oil - and flip so that both sides of dough are greased. cover with a damp dish towel, and let sit for approximately 1 & 1/2 hours, until dough looks as if it has doubled in size.

7. once risen, press the dough down firmly in the center. divide the dough in half and shape into sandwich loaves. place in loaf pans and cover with a damp dish cloth.

8. let loaves rise for about 1 hour, until they look as if they have doubled in size. at 45 minutes, preheat oven to 400 degrees. if you have a baking stone, you should put it in the oven.

9. bake loves for 35-40 minutes. very important: for the best rise, do not open the oven for the first 10 minutes. switch the positions of the loaves halfway through to insure even baking. bake until the tops are a deep golden brown.

to determine if breads are fully baked you'll want to pop the breads out of the pans immediately after removal from the oven, silicone gloves or the like are best for this job. breads are done if you hear a hollow sound when tapping the bottom, if not put them back in the oven, unmolded, for 5 additional minutes.

10. brush the tops with melted butter and let cool completely on a wire rack.

this bread is best eaten within 4 days, toasted thereafter, or frozen for up to 1 month. when toasted it has a tender crunch that melds perfectly with your jam of choice. it's also just right for all manner of sandwich bread uses. it's a staple in my kitchen every winter around this time, when my winter squash are getting antsy. plus how cool, it's a real shaker recipe!

*pawnote - to make squash mash: slice unpeeled squash in half and discard seeds. brush squash flesh lightly with a neutral oil and place cut side down on baking sheet. bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. let cool completely and peel skin away. mash roasted squash with a fork. squash mash freezes well.

jam on it: a once and again series celebrating toasty things fit to be slathered.
i mean, you gotz jams, don't ya? ...get in there and bake!


  1. Sounds so much like the recipe I adapted from my Grandmother. I wrote about it on my brand new blog at
    Thank you so much Tigress for your inspiration!

  2. This is my first time checking out your blog. Much love!

    FWIW, if you have an instant read thermometer, you can also take the temperature of your bread that way (190-200ºC), without the need for silicone gloves. I do a lot of free form breads, and find this method is more reliable for me. I tend to think everything sounds hollow!

  3. I will be making this... today! Hey... I have been wondering how your confiture de vieux garçon turned out. Mine is still sitting in the larder waiting to be sampled... I think I will try that this week too. But, I am wondering if others had any success?

  4. margy porter, alyson - welcome to you both! and yes alyson, using a thermometer is a great way to make sure bread is done!

    pretty girl - good for you! let me know how it comes out. and my confiture de vieux garcon turned out wonderful! i need to do a follow up post on that.

  5. It looks awesome! so similar to Christmas sweet bread that we make over here.

  6. Thanks for the recipe; I just happened to have some leftover baked squash that one of my little terrors was happy to mash up for me. There are few things that are messier, or cuter, than tree-year-olds with kitchen utensils. Holy cats! This bread is fabu! Co-workers enjoyed it, and my 'ol dad was over the moon since his wife is "flour challenged."

  7. Good bread, and a great way to use up leftover squash and sneak some veggies in the children. I found it a little bland, so have either upped the salt a bit or used salted butter instead when making it.
