Thursday, January 27, 2011

tigress in a jam is nominated for a homie!

wow! thanks to everyone who nominated this blog for the kitchn's homie awards!
the homies are a celebration of the year's best home oriented blogs. this year the
categories are: home design, home tech, kids @ home, green home, and home cooking.

and wow again, tigress in a jam is a final nominee in the home cooking category!

winners are chosen by you - so pop over to the kitchn, discover a lotta great new blogs,
and vote for me in the homies, homies!

(please note, you will have to sign in to vote, but no worries, it's as easy as pie!)


  1. You totally deserve it!

    By the way, I made your gingery rhubarb chutney (had some frozen, and a hankering). It was not as pretty as yours (more brown than burgundy), but on a positive note, it was my first time using Weck jars, and they were a snap. I even (eek) dropped two with my jar lifter and they still sealed.

  2. thanks everyone! :)

    valhalla - i love that chutney! yes, with the weck jars i have given up trying to use the made-for-ball jar lifter and use a silicone glove. it works much better and feels safer with the wecks.

  3. Yeaaa for the nomination! I'll vote for sure. Silicone glove? What a concept. I need one.
