Saturday, January 8, 2011

happy new year from india!

yes i know it's not technically new year's anymore.

and i am not technically in india anymore.

i was able to upload these photos in kerala, south india.

but i just couldn't get the post to go through before breakfast...

(this is a crime, and if i could get local bananas and coconuts in new england i would probably be a roly-poly, but that's another story)

and lunch, of course there was lunch, the south indian lunch.
and before i knew it i was on a plane to delhi...

and at the spice market,

and in front of the president's crib (yes that's a monkey, nice shot right?)

and eating pickles (garlic & chile in oil my friends)

and cozying up to the chai walla (delhi was as cold as london).

it's good to be back and i've gotta lotta stuff i want to roar about for 2011.

so stay tuned please, and




  1. Wow what an awesome trip that must have been! looking forward to seeing what you have in store for 2011

  2. Happy New Year indeed! What a wonderful trip!

  3. Glad you're back with lots to roar about. Any Indian inspired CanJam2011 projects?

  4. The pictures look amazing,oh the spices! Happy New Year to you,welcome back!

  5. Great photographs! Happy New Year! Can't wait to hear more, though you must be exhausted. And catching up!

  6. Happy New Year. Great photos - I'd love to read more about your trip.

  7. love the shot with the monkey in it. Really great timing.
