Monday, December 13, 2010

can jam december round-up: dried fruit

photo what julia ate

first i want to send a big wet furry tigress kiss (ewwww!) to everyone that participated in the great can jam of 2010! whether you participated in each & every month or just a very few, whether you've blogged along with me, or followed along quietly at home, whether you've put jar to boiling water for the very first time right here, or taught me a thing or two...

it just wouldn't have been a ball without you! :)

(well ok, let me just give one weee little extra shout-out for those of you that canned every month throughout the entire 2010!)

i'm touched by all the thanks and kind words about the can jam on many of your blogs this last month. thank you. i hope the intentions of celebrating and saving local produce, building a vibrant on-line canning community that's both inspiring and helpful, and having fun while doing it all were realized. mostly i hope that if you've been learning to can with us here, your enthusiasm and delicious creations will inspire others to can.

finally, if you haven't starting canning yet don't despair because now is the perfect time! there's a whole lotta info in the side bar essentials section to the right, and a whole lotta-lotta recipes from all of the can jammers listed by month in the side bar too!

now on to december's recipes - i know some of you thought i was crazy when i said dried fruit.

ahem, howya like me now?...

photo café del manolo

chutneys, conserves & compotes

apple cherry compote with hazelnuts - locally preserved
ooh, a compote! finally a compote. i have been thinking lately that we really need to start a compote renaissance, no? oh, and i am all about this spicy fig jam!

apple cranberry raisin conserve with port and thyme - prospect: the pantry
i really love your pairing suggestions! a little conserve brightens up wintry dishes it's so true!

bengal style chutney - flamingo musings
yes i agree, indian flavors can turn even the most mundane tofu steak into a magnificent meal! :)

chewy spicy chutney - tigress in a pickle
this chutney is hot! (and he knows it)

cranberry chutney - sugar crafter
did you say tangy chutney? you do know i'm a chutney-lover, don't you? and how great that you're going to keep on canning!

dried fruit conserve (minced-no-meat) - café del manolo
i don't think i have to say twice that this is my kind of conserve! and i love that you're going to make a pie with it for your father-in-law. 'updated' family favorites are where it's at! :)

figgy lemon chutney - grow & resist
first, i just like sayin' this; figgy lemon chutney, figgy lemon chutney, figgy lemon chutney...second, this looks like a wonderful adaptation of my beloved onionz limone (RIP).

mango chutney - leena eats this blog
i love me a good mango chutney, and this one sounds amazing with dates, raisins and curry powder! congratulations on your pregnancy too!

pear & dried apple chutney - notes from a country girl living in the city
i'm just wondering if you compared the ratios to an existing recipe from a good source. the acid level could be questionable here.

pear port compote - backyard farms
love the photos of you and your year of jarred bounty, love that you did a compote, and love the pelham variation!

persimmon & dried cherries with brandy conserve - showfood chef
i've never had a persimmon, fuyu or hachiya, but i'm damn sure going to try one now! pronto!

rhubarb conserve - bigger than a breadbox
i for one am always looking for ways to preserve rhubarb, since i happen to have a field of it. thanks for this one!

spicy cranberry chutney - just the right size
did you just say fan-friggin-fabulous? i think you did! well ok, then. i think that means you like it! (and i must say this looks like much more than a cranberry chutney!)

photo the kitchenette

jams, jellies, preserves & marmalade

apricot cranberry & amaretto jam - laundry, etc.
i love it! and thanks for the sugar % info on canned and non-canned fruit - very good to know!

CherryMeyerGingerAde - rufus & clementine
look, you made me use caps! this one looks all nikki - love the dried cherries in a marmalade!

christmas jam - what julia ate
kudos to you for making this! it has been on my list for a while - and yours looks mouthwatering! kitty, kitty, kitty.

cranberry jam - all types of cooking and a whole lot of canning here!
i love the idea of cranberry and pecans! now, tell me, is it really true that this can cool you off when it's 100 degrees outside!?

cranberry marmalade with dried apricots - food in jars
you just keep taunting me with that book don't you? (i totally know what you mean about book recipe emergencies - i have 3 books i'm totin' now!) oh, and the cardamom sounds perfect in this!

cranberry orange marmalade - toronto tasting notes
candied ginger and cranberries are one of my favorite combos! and i agree, these would make wonderful holiday presents! festive indeed!

dried fig jam with lemon & port - cafe libby
i love figs so much i thought about making a dried fig jam for my entry this month too! glad you did! :)

habenaro hot pepper jelly - the kitchenette
you are going to have a lot of happy family members this christmas, aren't you? you rockstar-i-learned-so-much-in-the-can-jam you!

jalapeño sunshine - knit & nosh
i would eat this for the name alone, yes i would!

name that marmalade - hip girl's guide to homemaking
hurry peeps, get on over there and name kate's marm to win a jar! so great, kate, to be reminded of your enthusiasm at the start of the can jam...and look at you now - you preservin' fool you! :)

quincemeat preserves - the artisanry of acorn cottage
yay for you! this looks resourceful, original, and most of all - delicious!

red onion marmalade with dried cranberries - my caffeine diary
if it's quite tasty then of course you did it right! i don't hear your friends complaining, do you? (all i hear is those crackers crunching!)

savory triple-ginger pear preserves - married ...with dinner
i'm a ginger lover, so this one is calling my name...and i see you got yourself some weck jars. nice!

spiced cranberry preserves - bread making with the bread experience
this looks like the perfect condiment of the holiday table! and the color is beautiful too!

photo food in jars


blueberry maple syrup - simply loving home
first of all; you make your own maple syrup - way cool! second of all; now you're making blueberry maple syrup - way cooler! :)

cranberry mustard - mother's kitchen
i must admit, i really love it when you get 'hell bent' ;) and i am so happy that it has been a great canning year for you! your mustard looks delish!

dehydrated apple apple sauce - well preserved
love this idea! sounds like it will make for incredible taste and texture, and honey instead of sugar - right on!

dried fruit relish - wine book girl
this looks very interesting. have you tried it yet? would love to hear your pairings?

grand marnier preserves - putting by
'tis the season to get boozy, tra-la-la-la-laa-la-la-la-laa! this looks very festive! ;)

raisin d'etre mustard - local kitchen
ok, you don't have to beat me over the head with it. I NEED TO MAKE MUSTARD!!! (and thanks for the lovely, lovely, post. how wonderful to see all you've canned for the jam in one place!)

stewed stuffed prunes - mock paper scissors
how great that you recreated your auntie's stewed prunes! i kinda love prunes myself, and i love that you used the term renaissance spices! :)

sundried tomato gazpacho - put a lid on it
yes my dear, of course the tomato is a fruit! and i love that you used sundried tomatoes for this month's challenge! are pepper's fruits? ah, it doesn't matter i'll take these too!

photo propect: the pantry

we did it can jammers - a whole year of preserving!

(omg, it feels weird not listing the next recipe posting dates)

ok, so here's the kazillion $ question that i have been receiving on twitter, facebook, in the comment sections and a flurry of emails:

will there be another can jam in 2011?

the answer is YES!

but there are some things i want to work out, like making it easier on me, and easier on peeps who want to can when they can, and come back in the jam even if they couldn't can for a month or two. i like a challenge as much as the next cat, but what is really important about the can jam is the community - canning together, learning together, having fun and roaring all about it!

so i am going to work on all this, and roll it out at some point next year. it's part of blog redesigns and move to WordPress that may take a while, bear with me and stay tuned for the new installment of tigress' can jam!

in other exciting news, i am leaving in 2 days (YIKES!) to sri lanka and india and i am so excited i am bursting at the stripes! i have another post i hope to get up here before i leave, a guest spot on the kitchn going up sometime while i'm away, and big tigress-sized plans to check-in with photos and roars from the road.

see ya soon - stay tuned, and stay warm!

comment people, comment!



  1. Thanks Tigs for all your inspiration throughout the year. I really do need to go off and earn a living now. Have a fab holiday and look forward to your forthcoming posts inspired by chutneys you've tasted on your travels. Big hug G x

  2. I've enjoyed watching the canning all year! I tried new things and have saved tons of recipes for next year.

    As a participant, I dropped out because I had trouble following where the themes were posted (a post on a single, consistent can jam blog saying "go here for the ingredient" would be helpful). Also, I got frustrated remembering which days I was supposed to post - there were a few months I participated but posted a day early. If there is some way to make this more clear, or standard, I think that would be helpful.

    Thanks again for organizing such a fun, interesting world-wide activity! Have a great trip.

  3. Enjoy your travels and thanks!!!

    Although the roundup is exciting, it's a lot of work; what about just using a Link link?

  4. Thanks for a fantastic year of challenges! Have a wonderful time on your trip.

  5. Thank you for everything, Dear Tigress. Have a wonderful trip and we'll look forward to the jam in 2011. My December concoction was Champagne Fig Jam with Candied Ginger and Lemon. It's been a great year!

  6. Another catastic round-up! Thanks so much, Tigress, for everything - it's been such a fun year. Can't wait for the All New CanJam 2011! But first, have an AMAZING trip - I will be disappointed if you don't come home with your bag stuffed to bursting with all sorts of fab spices. Happy hols, happy New Year and get Jammin!

  7. I had such a ridiculously awesome, AMAZING time this year, Tigress. I learned so much, it's practically laughable. Remember that time that I made that blood orange and meyer lemon marmalade and totally didn't have enough headspace? Yeah that was good times =) hahaha. (I also overcooked it, FYI. It was like glue by the time I opened it up, about 5 minutes after I read your January round-up alerting me to the headspace issue.)

    The habenero jelly went over VERY well. Looks like I'm going to be making another batch over the holidays, it's in such great demand!

    Have a wonderful, wonderful time on your trip. I can't WAIT to see pictures!

  8. Oh, Tigress!! You are the bestest for working so hard, and keeping everything running so smoothly, and making the round-ups look so great. You totally made my year! It wouldn't have been quite as special or fun without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Have an amazing time in Sri Lanka (how could you not?,) and I look forward to all the energy you'll bring back with you! Roarrrr!

  9. Thanks for being such a great hostess! This is one of those most fun groups I've ever participated in, and I've enjoyed being stretched by each and every challenge this year! And yes, I definitely plan to keep on canning - it's my new addiction. ;-) Hope you have a great time in Sri Lanka and India! :-)

  10. I found your blogs in June and have been following the Can Jam (and your other lovely posts!) since then. I have gotten great tips and recipes, and got connected to some fabulous blogs. I'm so glad you did this, I just wish I had found it earlier and participated. I've been on the edge of my seat, hoping there would be a 2011 Can Jam, and now that there will be, I'm getting totally excited. I'll be participating!

    Have a safe trip, and have lots of fun! I'm sure you will! Can't wait to see some great pictures!

  11. Thank you so much for Can Jam!!!! Looking forward to another fun filled year.

  12. Thank you, my dear! I stretched, grew, and ate well.
    Traveling mercies.

  13. Thanks for the great year. I will definitely be participating in the next version what ever it may be.

  14. That was a brilliant blog! Thank you,I so enjoyed it and wish you the vacation you deserve...bring back lots of new ideas and inspirations. If you are ever out here again look me up! See ya in 2011

  15. I'm so excited that you are continuing in 2011. I started canning in January and found the can jam totally inspiring. I hope to sign up for next year. Wahooo!

  16. Hey Tigress. I hope you have a great time in your travels. Whenever my family and friends and I travel abroad, "local" spices and other ingredients come back in our luggage (check it, snoop dogs suspect curry ingredients). So we're expecting you'll be laden with new discoveries. We'll look forward to hearing of your latest and greatest inspirations. Can Jam has been fantastic ... fun, educational, inspiring. I look forward to it every month and will be ready for 2011. Bon voyage and happy new year.

  17. Thanks for a lovely year of canning, tigress. I'm on board for can jam 2011--let me know if I can help in any way!

    Best wishes for happy holidays and safe travels.

  18. Tigress, it was a wonderful year! Thanks for everything. I have been following along silently sans blog and sans Flickr account, but I have canned at least once a month all year and have a wonderful larder for Christmas gifting and general enjoyment. This month I made apricot, date, raisin chutney and some blackberry jam. I give blackberry jam to a coworker every year and had run out so when berries were on special earlier this month, I bought lots. I look forward to what the new year has to offer. Here's hoping that your travels are everything you want them to be.

  19. Great idea, Great year, Great job - Have a safe and amazing time in your travels. Can/Jam wishes to all fellow players and observers for 2011! :D

  20. I can't wait to read the trip-inspired recipes you post. Happy travels and thanks for the can jam--I was voyeur for half this year as I began canning, but I'm all in for 2011!

  21. Awesome year, I had so much fun and learned a TON. Already can't wait 'til next year!
    Thank-you Tigress!

  22. Thank you so much for doing all the heavy lifting, running the Can Jam all year, Tigress. I had such a great time, canning with everyone in the jam this year! I learned so much from you and the others and made some great friends in the process. I can't wait till the next version. Have a wonderful trip!

  23. I did a canned apple pie filling with dried cranberries - just did not get it posted - as with many, this is my busy time of year at work so too crazy. I did want to take a moment and let you know how much I have really loved the can jam - it has forced me to can which I love and had only forgotten how much. It has also forced me to can things I might not have otherwise (carrots - probably not but so glad I did). Thanks Tigress and hope your trip is fantastic!

  24. Enjoy your travels Tigress! I just love your blog and only recently discovered you by way of foodinjars. So glad I did, I'm hoping to be moving soon so I can't start any new projects right now but I am truly looking forward to can jam 2011, hoping to take part. You are doing a beautiful job and take the time you need we'll be here when you are ready! Thanks so much, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  25. I just found this via Small Measure. It would be cool to can with you, although I could only can (probably) 6 times a year.

  26. Thank you for being the most wonderful, gracious hostess during our year of canning in community. I'm a thousand times grateful for your urgings and the invitation to participate in such a wonderful venture.

    I look forward to seeing the spices you bring back from India. Have a blast!

  27. Thanks so much for hosting the fantastic canjam, and for including me in your announcers (even though I eventually flaked). I'm looking forward to going back through your round-ups to figure out what to make next year!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. So many great ideas! I need to go back through all of the roundups myself.

    Thank you so much for hosting the 2010 Can Jam. I'm looking forward to 2011. So glad you decided to continue the fun.

  30. Thank you so much for an awesome CANTASTIC year! I was so bummed to make all but the last month! Some of the above suggestions from other Can Jammers are great. I'm all for making this easier on you. You deserve an incredible vacation. In other news, I'm fermenting my first batch of kraut!

  31. Thank you so much for hosting the can jam. It helped me get through moving to a new part of the country and kept me afloat during early pregnancy. I can't to get back at it next year! It's been so fun to think outside the box and months later have these random goodies in my cabinet. Have some chai for me in India!

  32. Tigress -

    From the tip of my nose to the bottom of my toes: thank you.

    This has been one of the most pleasurable learning experiences (with my pants on) of all time!

    My friends and family are now calling me a Canning Snob, and I am not-so-secretly hoping for a copper jam pot for X-Mas), and I consider this an ultimate honor!

    Looking forward to 2011,



  33. Thanks again for doing this! It was really motivational for me and I tried lots of new things. Plus, you kept me blogging when I had been away for weeks. And yes, I did compare the ratios to an existing recipe from a good source for my pear and dried apple chutney; the original recipe called for no acid whatsoever. Despite the change in flavor, I think it still turned out great.

  34. Thanks for doing this! I've enjoyed reading this over the months all the way from Australia! Have been wanting to join in (albeit rather late in the game) but the ingredient selections are rather limited for those of us on the opposite side of the world. Was wondering if you'd be willing to do a Southern hemisphere theme ingredient option for those of us down here?
    Cheers and thanks for loads of entertaining reading!
    Hannah in Oz.

  35. Have a great trip! I'm new to canning and I can't wait to participate next year!

  36. thanks for hosting the jam, tigress! i only made it 9 of the 12 months, but i learned so much it's ridic! oh how young and stupid i was back in the heady early days of January 2010, trying to figure out what the hell to do with citrus! count me in for can jam 2011! i'm giving away a lot of what i canned for xmas gifts, and getting lotsa larder envy. it feels good! happy holidays and happy travels!

  37. Tigress, what a phenomenal job you did this year! THANK YOU! I am so excited to be a part of the official 2011 can jam, this time. I await with baited breath. And I am so excited you are going to Sri Lanka. My husband and I were going to go for our honeymoon (I've always wanted to go and had just returned from Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria at the time) and then Sri Lanka broke out in civil war. No shit. So I went to Hawaii. It doesn't sound as cool, does it? ;) Have a BLAST!

  38. Have a wonderful time!
    I am looking forward to joining you crazy canners in the new year. xoxo

  39. Thanks, again, for setting this up tigress. it's been great fun! For the last month, since I used up all my mincemeat for Xmas, I made a new batch of apple cranberry mincemeat (raisins, currants, sultanas and dried cranberries) that can spend the next year "maturing" for next Xmas. Hope you enjoy your trip!

  40. Hope you have a great trip and I can't wait for the next can jam. I was a quite follower at home for the first... but hope to be more dedicated this year. Thanks so much for all you do and your inspiration.

  41. I find myself checking tigress in a jam for the 2011 Can Jam. It's kind of like, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Hope you are having a blast!
