Sunday, November 21, 2010

can jam november round-up: pomes

photo the cosmic cowgirl

apples, and quince and pears, oh my! apples and quince and pears!

c'mon, i know i'm not the only one that thought that!

below is a cornucopia of autumn delights - all put up in jars for later. fall is my favorite preserving season, after all, apples and pears get pretty adamant about getting jarred. and quince, my new found favorite, seems to be all the rage this year around the canning blogosphere.

if you've been jamming the can, either at home or blogging about it...WOW! i can't believe we are in the 11th month!

if you've never canned before, i hope you've been inspired by this group of wonderfully industrious and creative people. and if you haven't quite mustered the gumption to start yet, i say; start here! because applesauce and apple butter practically can themselves! so giddy up and get some pomes in jars!

like this:

photo knit and nosh

butters & sauces

apple thyme butter - showfood chef
i don't think you really understand how much i love jam on biscuits do you? especially warm, flaky biscuits. i don't appreciate being tortured nearly every time i read your can jam post. ;)

applesauce - bigger than a breadbox
what could be more fun than making applesauce with a dear friend? (making applesauce with a dear friend while drinking a crisp wine and shootin' the shiz would be my guess...)

applesauce & oven apple butter - cafe libby
first of all, thank you so much for your thankful post. *touched* second of all, i love that you posted your tried & true recipes, third of all, i need a le creuset dutch oven already, don't i?

gingered seckel pair butter - the kitchenette
hollandaise, pear butter, apple butter...girl, what have you been eating all your life? ;) actually, i'm even more intrigued by what your going to be drinking soon!

lazybones spiced apple butter - rufus & clementine
this is quintessentially nikki. not that i'm sayin' you're lazy, just that you like to meander. i love that you got to a point to know when you can do this in canning. and then did it inexcusably!

maple apple butter - breadmaking with the bread experience
hmmm..this butter in a crockpot thing is really catching on. do i need one?

pear and buddha's hand butter - wine book girl
this looks amazing, i really love the idea of a zesty butter!

salted caramel pear butter - knit and nosh
gulp! just saying that makes my mouth water...

spiced apple butter - leena eats this blog
again with the crockpot! that's it - what kind should i buy?

vanilla applesauce - toronto tasting notes
i really do need to make me some straight-up applesauce, don't i? the 'great with hot porridge' got me!

vanilla pear butter - market life sf
your favorite thing you have ever canned? oh my! ...cognac? oh my! did you just step it up like, a gazillion notches? sounds like!

william tell sauce - well preserved
owwwooh. they got the ooompf, gotta have that ooompf! (sing it like ya mean it!)

photo local kitchen

jellies, jams & marmalade

apple cider jelly - simply loving home
cider jelly - nice! wonder what it would taste like with real cinnamon? i bet very good!

apple ginger jam - flamingo musings
sounds like a ginger lover's paradise in a jar. oh, and that's you isn't it? :)

apple quince jelly with vanilla bean - local kitchen
julia is the quincemeister isn't she? i like the vanilla in this pome pome!

linda lou's apple pie jam - just the right size
this is apple pie in a jar, isn't it? i'm surprised you need the boxed pectin tho, as apples are so darn full of it.

quince jam - putting by
hey it's the taste that counts! (i was going to say you didn't cook it long enough to change color, but 2 hours seems sufficient, hmmm...)

meyer lemon marmalade with apple, pear & candied ginger - mock paper scissors
another suggestion if you don't like the bitter is to use the zest only - use a zester, get the just the yellow, & avoid all of the white pith. then you can leave it in! :)

paradise jelly - what julia ate
this is the ultimate jewel in a jar i see. hey, you could also use it for a tart tarte, non?

pear and chestnut jam - prospect: the pantry
feeling very french aren't you? i mean in a very american (chestnut) sort of way? this looks heavenly!

pear-apple jam - sugarcrafter
i agree 100%, sometimes it's gotta be all about the fruit, & leave the spices at home!

pear jam with fresh sage & honey - the cosmic cowgirl
yes i do see this with a triple cream. RIGHT NOW! (ahem, excuse me).

spiced apple rum jelly - backyard farms
oh my - that does look finger-lickin' (or pot-lickin', ahem) good!

photo prospect: the pantry

chutneys, relish & pickles

apple, onion & ale relish - grow & resist
wow - i wish i coulda skipped school to travel! :) this looks mouthwatering! and meg made apple butter too!

english-style spicy green tomato & apple chutney - marrried...with dinner
wow! seems like you found a new staple, and using up all those greenies to boot! this makes me smile!

pear chutney - my caffeine diary
i think i agree - this would make for wonderful holiday gifts!

spiced apple rings - mother's kitchen
yay we have a pickled fruit! and thanks so much for the info on pickle crisp - good to know!

spiced apple rings - thinking out loud
good stuff woodman, and i'm gonna say it again: i bet some real cinnamon would be good in there too! and i love the apple picking tradition!

spiced seckel pears - the artisanry of acorn cottage
love the balsamic and the anise! i think i would eat those right out of the jar!

thai curry pickled pairs - put a lid on it
wow! you really are a chef aren't you? ;) and she made pom-apple sauce too!

photo hip girl's guide to homemaking


apple pomegranate syrup - hip girl's guide to homemaking
omg, this on cheese pancakes! after all, maple syrup has so been done...

chai spiced apple rings - notes from a country girl living in the city
i think you are absolutely right about the soft apples. when canning, you want to use the most recently picked (or properly stored in some cases) produce for the best texture in the finished product.

dolce de marmelo (marmelada) - café del manolo
ah, now i get why you've been making all those sexy jams etc, - you're portuguese! (and how great to see the actual recipe from your mom!)

pears in light syrup - all types of cooking and a whole lot of canning here!
jane knows of where she speaks - don't leave the cinnamon stick or the vanilla bean in the jar if
you want to taste the pears!

poached quince in vanilla syrup - laundry etc.
on oatmeal porridge with greek yogurt! yes please! i could eat that bowl right outta the photo! and you really got your quince to turn a nice burnt-pink didn't you? mine only blushed.

quince in rose syrup - tigress in a jam
the problem with this is; it's so gorgeous on my larder shelf i don't want to eat it! (but it will, i will i tell ya!)

saffron pears - locally preserved
how did you know that i'm a riesling and gewürztraminer cat? and the saffron - inspired!

and now, i have so many things i need to say to you peeps! first up, karla baker was the winner of the last give-away! karla won a copy of:

that's right, shae's amazing tell-all ebook! (now listen, don't fret if you didn't win because it's only a click and $9.95 away. and so worth it 'cause these jams are damn good!)

hold on to your jar lifters everybody because the holidayz are coming, i know we'll all be busy at the end of the month, plus i'm leaving on a jet plane on the 15th of december, on a 15 hour ride to curries and mango chutneys. given all that, i am taking the liberty to choose the last month's focus.

attention everybody! ¡atención!

the december's food in focus is: dried fruit

how dya like them apples? (or figs, or dates, or raisins, or cherries, or pears, or plums, or peaches, or apricots, or berries, or....)

you better do it! and you better post it between sunday december 5th and friday december 10th to be included in the last round-up.

oh, and think of this like herbs or chiles, you know, i don't want to see a whole jar full of dried fruit sealed shut, that would be silly. use it for flavor!

any questions?


  1. Wow I can't believe it's almost over (for this year..)! And the next posting date is my due date- whew this year has flown!

    I'm loving how many different takes there are on pomes, hopefully I'll have time before the little one comes to sit down, relax and read them all.

    One question: do dried fruits have the same acid content as fresh fruit?

  2. This is going to be fun!! :) But wait... it's been fun all year! Thanks for the challenge!

  3. Good thing I've got some more quinces and apples! Another wonderful round up, Tigress. And I'm totally psyched for dried fruit! Perfect for a wintertime jam.

  4. I can't believe I missed out on this whole year...better late than never eh?

  5. Very excited for dried fruits! Great round up and, as always, thank you!

  6. I had thought perhaps as you started this whole train rolling you should have the last pick. Great round up. I flippin love apple butter.
    The December ingredient will be great too. I can combine making my Christmas gifts alongside the last episode in this years amazing canjam.

  7. You always challenge us Tigress! I have NEVER considered dried fruit. This is going to be fun.

  8. When can we late comers look for next year's can jam announcement? I've followed along and started canning and can't wait to take part!

  9. Chair spiced? ;) Chai spiced apples sound much better. I hope to post a do-over soon.
    Dried fruit, huh? This is going to take some serious thought but what a lot of possibilities there are!

  10. I am so glad to have found your blog - preserving inspiration! Thanks so much!

  11. Fantastic round-up as usual, and you really made me smile with your biscuit comment. So, are you going to India? If so, could I sneak in your luggage - wow! I'm stunned right now with the dried fruits and can't wait to start dreaming something up. Thanks for the work, the great idea and a very fun year of can-jammin'.

  12. I have loved giving away copies of my eBook, and I want to thank you again for hosting it!

    I wrestled with some Spicy Quince and Apple Chutney for this month's jam and finally got the better of it.

    I've also gotta shout out the Quince-Orange-Cardamom Marmalade, cuz that's my favorite.

    Another gorgeous roundup!

  13. Another great roundup! I can't believe it's almost over. It's been a blast. Looking forward to the dried fruit roundup. Yum!

  14. Are you starting another round soon? I'd love to be jammin' . . .

  15. I've been sick all month and honestly thought I was going to have a miss a month of canjam. But I rallied round and made sweet and chunky apple butter (from Small Batch Preserving) on the weekend. Just under the wire (for non-bloggers anyway :)! And now that I've read all the amazing things everyone else made, I feel like a bit of an underachiever ...
