Wednesday, March 9, 2011

fall/winter 2010-11

i know spring hasn't quite sprung yet (march 20th) but we're springing forward this weekend and i figure now is just as good a time as any to present to you the fruits and veggies of my labors this past fall and winter.

in compiling it i've found that i wasn't quite as industrious this year as in some years past.

but that's ok.

some seasons are like that. and anywayz, it's about the quality not the quantity.

tigress' fall/winter 2010-11 collection

each category is listed chronologically by date of preservation

ancho apple butter
whole paste tomatoes
honeyed cayenne chiles
quince and cranberry holiday preserves
quince in rose syrup
apple marmalade with rosemary
chewy spicy dried fruit chutney
pumpkin marmalade with ancho (this year i added ancho, more orange and yes, i canned it!)
ruby red marmalade

sauerkraut with juniper and caraway
kimchi kraut
fermented chiles
chile pickled in oil
russian soured cabbage
my favorite preserved lemons
gingery lime pickle
sweet preserved kumquats

sri lankan mustard
carrot fire pickle #2

shellfish stock
marjoram pesto



pumpkin/winter squash

what have your paws been preserving these past 6 months?


  1. :P I picked up preserving food in jars this past October, with a batch of Pomegranate Jelly (enjoyed in smoothies with the yogurt I culture. Yes, I cheated and used some Pom Juice. It was still good.) Soon to be added to that list was Apple/peach/pear/strawberry (frozen dole medley, idk. added pectin. tasted good.) and a few jars of Southern Peach Party (it has SoCo and cinnamon in it. Also yummy but not for smoothies.).

  2. I canned and canned in the last six months, but I tend to like my latest creations the best . . . I love my cherry agave jam, and my cherry marmalade. Your gingery lime pickle sounds really interesting . . .

  3. The only thing I've actually canned in the last 6 months is Blood Orange Vanilla marmalade. I've been doing a lot of things in smaller, 2-3 jar batches, like apple butter, pear butter, salsa, and stocks. Knowing that I'm going to go through them within a month, I've just been freezing them. I need to think about canning my small batches though, 'cause the freezer is going to fill up fast once berries start coming in this summer.

  4. everyone - it all sounds wonderful! keep on preserving! :)

  5. I've been using up some of the wild blueberries I froze in September to make a blueberry and grand marnier jam, some carrot apple butter, some marms and chestnuts in liquor. It feels great to can in the winter when you're a bit more relaxed and the heat from the stove warms you up on cold nights.

  6. Spicy bread and butter picks, good ole strawberry jam,chile sauce and I don't know if freezing counts but tomatoes roasted in olive oil and pistachio pesto.

  7. two by the see - of course freezing counts! pistachio pesto sounds amazing, tell me more!

  8. Tigress you have been such an inspiration/bad influence on me! I think I've canned at least 25 different recipes since Sept. and made a couple of different krauts, kimchis, lemons and pumpkin butters, not to mention the "cellared" radishes, squash, onions, garlic, beets, potatoes and turnips. My favorites have been clearing out the frozen fruit to make elderberry jelly and syrup, cherry jams and syrup, persimmon brandy conserves (inspired by the dried fruit canjam), black currant preserves and blueberry syrup. It was a lot of work but it has all been worth it as we have plenty of local food to last through the Utah winter.

  9. canned: pickled asparagus, carrots, peach pie filling, raspberry jam, blackberry jam, blackberry jelly, banana jam, blueberry jam, whole blackberries, applebutter, pearbutter, salsa, tuna, applesauce, strawberry rhubarb jam

    froze: roasted tomatoes, raspberry freezer jam, blueberry freezer jam, whole blackberries

  10. dawn & anonymous - wow! good stuff!

  11. Meyer Lemon jelly, Fig jam, blueberry jam, wild mustang grape jelly, onion relish (in a red wine/balsamic vinegar reduction), grapefruits are in season here now so, grapefruit cranberry jam. I really should do more--have to empty the freezers for the bounty to come!!! (Need more time--Can't quit my job)
    : (

  12. Hrm, October-March? I'm too lazy to actually go through my pantry (but I should). So I'm going to guesstimate what got canned.

    Not-much-sugar added Apple Butter
    Apple-Pear-Quince Butter (not waterbathed)
    Salted Caramel Apple Butter
    Quince jam
    Rosemary Apple jam
    Golden Child jam (quince and meyer lemon)

    Two failed (runny) marmalades:
    Vanilla Bean Meyer Lemon
    Not-So-Spicy Cara Cara Arbol

    Pickled grapes 3 ways
    I obviously need more pickles in my life.

  13. i love hearing all of the preserving you guys do!

  14. And I love the sound of plum noir jam and the quince and cranberry thing. Veronica

  15. Ha! I just posted a longer comment with greetings from England and query about canning jam - but it seems to have got lost. Think perhaps I'll email!

  16. This year's jams: Quince and plum, Blackberry, damson and pear, Strawberry and redcurrant, Strawberry and gooseberry, Plum and damson with cumin, Damson and cardamon jelly, Bramble (blackberry) and apple jelly, Hedgerow jelly (mix of English wild fruits such as hawthorn, rowan, rosehip and crab apple); Spiced pumpkin marmelade, Three-fruit marmelade, Pineapple and pumpkin marmalade (didn't grow the pineapple myself though!).
    Some chutneys and pickles: Hot green pepper, Courgette and apricot, Damson (dark and spicy), Sweet pickled gooseberries, Rhubarb ketchup, Sweet cucumber pickle.
    Bottled (canned) fruit: Gooseberries, Redcurrants, Blackberry and apple compote, Spiced Pears (excellent), Mulled Pears (not yet opened).
