Saturday, February 26, 2011

roar on tea

morning tea has a become ritual for me. i like a thick porcelain or stoneware mug, heavy in the hand and without handle - god no! i need to wrap four fingers and thumb right around, palm too. on a cold winter day i'll even use two, one overlapping the other.

a perfect brew is both soothing and exhilarating, like a shot of fresh air but deeper. my favorite is a proper english breakfast or a sultry assam. on ambitious mornings, i'll do an earl grey darleeling blend. when i get the proportions just right the darjeeling gathers enough strength to lift the fat scent of bergamot, landing it smoothly on the back of the throat. the tease is intoxicating.

i like mine with milk, room temperature is best. never heated if i can help it as the taste of cooked dairy adds nothing to the cup. of course, if i sip a little too slowly and the tea teeters on the edge of lukewarm, threatening to take the plunge, i'll give it a 15 second zap. because once hot tea going cold sucks. my sweetener like an afterthought, essential, but not sorely missed if skipped altogether. a drop of amber honey - about a half teaspoon, drizzled and stirred, will do me just fine.

earl grey darjeeling blend
for a pot of 4 eight ounce servings

1 & 1/2 teaspoons loose leaf earl grey
2 & 1/2 teaspoons loose leaf darjeeling

1. warm the tea pot up by running the hottest tap water you can through it.
2. place tea leaves in tea strainer or ball and place in tea pot.
3. in a kettle, saucepan or electric kettle bring water barely to the boil.
4. pour boiled water over tea and into tea pot.
5. let steep for 5 minutes - remove tea strainer or ball.
6. add room temperature milk and sweetener as desired.



  1. Being English I drink tea alot.... What you call English Breakfast tea to us is just "tea". I do however love Earl Grey Tea, Lady rey is rather nice too. I think I may have to gove your blend a try it sounds lovely!

  2. Tigress that must be an aqua Heath tumbler in your pictures no? I knew when I found your blog it was a good thing, this just confirmed it. (the tea blend looks good too) And my preserved lemons are coming along very nicely in my sunny window.

  3. farawayme - do try it!

    katherine - yes it is a heath tumbler - I love them! and so great that you are preserving lemons.

  4. I'm crazy about tea too! Usually it's green for me in the morning (I have this amazing Kyoto Cherry Rose Sencha that is rocking my world!), and in the afternoon I'll have an Assam or Chai blend, just to get me through my sugar cravings. Evening I'm all about Rooibos. I love your blue mug too!

  5. Tigress - enjoyed your description of blends :) And glad to know that you love Darjeeling. We have just assembled the largest teapedia of darjeeling tea at - would love to know your thoughts :)

  6. renee - that sencha sounds amazing. i am all about rooibos at night too.

    darjeelingteaxpress - just had a look at your site. looks like you have some very well sourced products there. will have to check some out. thank you!

  7. To me, tea always tastes better in a bone china/porcelain cup or mug. I am in the UK and have grown up drinking tea with every meal. I have never heard of anyone heating milk to put in tea. Heated milk for coffee yes, but not tea. Add the milk to bottom of cup before adding the hot tea. And don't ever use cream! Have often been served cream with tea in the US. Not good.
