Friday, January 1, 2010

welcome to tigress' can jam!

Happy New Year!

it's january 1st you know where your jars are?

and this too, don't forget about this!

(ok, ok, i'll calm down, - i'm sure you're all prepared)


let me start this by saying i am overjoyed by the interest and enthusiasm that has come my way since the announcement of the first ever tigress' can jam! i had a hunch that it would draw a bunch, but i can't tell you how exciting it was to see another email, and another email, and another, saying "count me in!"

what i'm tryin' to say is...

there's gonna be a hella lotta canning going on around here in 2010!

because there are 140 participants ready to pump up the jam!

(do click on that and have a listen - it's worth it) let's get this party started right! please consider the following things:

1. take a minute to reread the 'rules' here.

2. this may deserve special mention because i have a feeling we will all be excited to post our recipes asap: i ask that everyone adheres to the time frame for their tigress' can jam recipe post each month. it will help me in terms of reading and doing the round-up. i also think it is exciting if everyone is posting the same week rather than straggling. and for non-bloggers we will be looking to read about your month's canning in the comment section of the round-up post each month. note: january's recipe posts should be posted in the week ending january 22nd, with midnight on the 22nd being the deadline. i will only be including recipes posted within this time frame in the round-up post.

also please note the round-up posts will be posted sometimes here and sometimes there (cause remember, this jam is about the art of the can - so pickles will be gettin' 'jammed' too!)

3. if you are new to hot water bath canning or would like a refresher, read this.

4. there's a tigress' can jam flickr group set up! it was started so that non-blogging participants with cameras can show us their stuff. but it would be great to have a photo pool of what all the jammers canned throughout the challenge so i encourage all participants to join: go to flickr and search for the group tigress' can jam. send a request to join, please make it clear you are a participant and i will hit 'accept'.

5. if you are on twitter and will be tweeting a link to your monthly post (or anything about the can jam really) i encourage you to use the hashtag #tigresscanjam - object here is a twitter link pool!

6. lastly i want to state again that my intention in creating this challenge is to provide a meeting place for everyone inspired or intrigued by the art and craft of canning; the participants - bloggers and non, and readers at home who haven't officially signed up but who will be following along or jumping in here and there. let's inspire, share, have fun & learn from each other...and comments & questions are welcome people! (not all tigresses bite)


in fact, it would be lovely if every participant and anyone else who is excited about all this crazy cannin' that's ahead would jump in the comment section of this post and give a shout out to everyone else and let us know what your intention is, why you signed on, or are following along, what you're excited or nervous about...anything!

let's do it!

tigress' can jam participants

jane at all types of cooking, and a whole lot of canning here!
heather & collette at backyard farms
lory at better gardens than home
michelle at big black dog
mimi at bigger than a breadbox
kristen at bklynforager
cathy at breadmaking with the bread experience
libby at cafe libby
manny at cafe del manolo
carma at carma's cafe
toni at christian county 4-h happenings
jj at citivolus sus
diana at cooking is like science
dawn at dawnabelles
jenelle at delicious potager
willi at diggin food
doris & jilly at doris and jilly cook
catalina at dust bath
jennifer at eat local challenge
andrea at family & food
renee at flamingo musings
jennie at food and books and stuff. fun
marisa at food in jars
lis at food snobbery is my hobbery
kristi at for better of worsted
maureen at fotos by meg
joanne at good food. eat here
holly at green anthropology
meg at grow and resist
kate at hip girl's guide to homemaking
kim at homestead acres
barry at hypenotic
talia at inn brooklyn
charrington at intellectual relish
kathleen at just the right size
rose at keeping up with k
kim at kim's quilting adventure
kate at kitchen fundamentalist
pat at kitchen jam
terri at knit and nosh
gloria at laundry etc.
amy at le jardin de ma vie
leena at leena eats this blog
theresa at living homegrown fresh
kaela at local kitchen
sarah at locally preserved
alicia at low sodium adventures in cooking
rebecca at market life sf
anita & cameron at married ...with dinner
michelle at michelle in colorado springs
kevin at mock paper scissors
mk at mother's kitchen
kimberly at music and cats
christina at my caffeine diary
chloe at naturally frugal
angela at notes from a county girl living in the city
lisa at notes from zone 4
briggs at oh...briggsy!
denise at oh yes i can
megan & mason at on a little land
kristina at on my way to gluten free
betsy at orangebloss
elizabeth at outpost 505
eve at planet eve
melanie at plot 22
carol at post-industrial eating
karen at prospect: the pantry
elle at put-a-lid-on-it
nina at put up or shut up!
jennifer at putting by
barbara at robbing peter
nikki at rufus and clementine
katie at runaway october
marisa at seasonal menus
cathy at showfood chef
melanie at simply loving home
valarie at sisyphus acres
ashley at small measure
christian at stephen's recipes
megan at stetted
sarah at sticks rocks and dirt
andrea at sticks spoons spokes
nickie at strange affinity
tracy at sugarcrafter
annette at sustainable eats
alexa at sustainable pantry
elizabeth at sweet and sour preserve company
tea at tea and cookies
alison at the artisanry of acorn cottage
stephanie at the cosmic cowgirl
colleen at the full fridge
carter at the kitchenette
wendy at the local cook
jamie at the ongoing debacle
angela at the pagan mom blog
blaine & tory at the preservery
the raven at the purloined letter
kate at the reclusive housewife
jessie, patrick & kerry at the 3 canners
melissa at the wynk
woodman & daisy driver at thinking out loud
tigress in a jam or pickle
sara at three clever sisters
sarah at toronto tasting notes
zoey at vegedible
courtney at vivacious eating
joel & dana at well preserved
julia at what julia ate
abc at wine book girl

adam, andrea, betsy, cary, crystal, daisy mae, diane, elizabeth, hadley, jan, jm, josephine, judy, julianna, kathy, kim lea, lisa, lynn, mary & julie, mary ann, melanie, melissa, oz, ruth, sadie, sandra, shana, shannon, tricia, and val.

note: please email me at tigressinajam(at)ymail(dot)com if you have registered to participate but do not see your name up there, or if if something needs to be adjusted with your listing.

and here we go! everyone please

step up to your jars...

january's produce in focus is:

i'm talkin' about those tangy juicy bittersweet fruits that go from traditional english marmalade to indian pickled perfection in one fell squeeze; oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime, tangerine, kumquat, clementine and pomelo too. they are all yours for the pickin' for the first month's canning!


on your jars
test set


  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have been driving woodman crazy wanting to know what it could be. I can't wait to start the hunt for a recipe to try. I've never made a marmalade so maybe I'll try that. I wonder how pumelos are in marmalade? Good luck all and have lots of fun

  2. Looks like you will have fun! Happy New Year!! I have some new jars..and thought of you when I bought them:) See? You inspired me in 2009:)

  3. I am sooo excited for this can jam, and have been waiting anxiously for the first food item! It's really nice to see so many people involved, and I am looking forward to seeing a wide range of pickles and preserves. It's going to be a great forum for meeting like minded folks. Big thanks to Tigress for making it all happen. I'm sure it's a lot more work than she expected!
    Twelve posts?
    Can do!

  4. YEAH!!! So excited to start JAMMING it up!

  5. Gah! I meant to send you an email to sign up but I forgot. Is it too late to sign up?

    Also, where exactly does one get glass jars now? I've been looking around Denver and I can barely find any. I've tried Target, Kmart, and Home Depot... and all I've found are 1/2 pint sizes at Target, only 4 to a pack.

    Does anyone have any recommendations as to where to find jars of various sizes? I know I can get them on Amazon, but I'd rather not pay for shipping...

    Can't wait to see what you guys come up with! xo

  6. Very excited. Oh the possibilities. All the options. How will I choose just one???

  7. Good choice! And thanks, tigress, for the idea and all the work so far.

    I'm a bit confused - are we to post on January 15 (which is two weeks from today) or January 22 (which is three weeks from today)?

    If you have a True Value or Ace Hardware store in your neighborhood, they will order jars for you (no shipping if you pick them up at the store). My local True Value has jars and supplies just about all year 'round.

  8. Alright! Inspiration starting to flow...
    My mum and I canned together for the first time ever at the end of the summer. We had about 100 pounds of produce: assorted peppers, roma tomatoes, cucumbers and amazing BC Peaches. Bit of a baptism by fire, but it was fun and crazy. I'm looking forward to expanding my repertoire, especially because there is a small farmer's market across the street from my house that I'd like to contribute to within the next year. Looking forward to canning :) Good luck, all

  9. I'm pumped. But can you clarify the deadline for this month? Is it the third Friday (the 15th) or the Friday of the first FULL week (the 22nd)? I'd like to make Seville marmalade, but it may not be avaiable early enough to make the Jan 15th deadline.

    Cheres and happy jammin' to all!

  10. Can you also clarify if it HAS to be water bath processed? I like to lacto ferment marmalade so the nutrients are still intact and uses less energy to process. But I could make an exception if need be.

  11. welcome everyone!

    sarahbhood- this month is a bit strange. posting should be done the week ending january 22nd with midnight on the 22nd being the deadline. i'll clarify this above in the post.

    sustainable eats- yes for this can jam all the entries MUST be hot water bath processed. i too love the fermenting process and do a lot of it. that said this 'can' jam is a way to explore the many opportunities throughout the year that we can utilize the hot water bath preserving method.
    (but we must talk about fermented marmalade sometime!)

    carter - please email me at tigressinajam(at)ymail(dot)com

  12. I'm so psyched that we're finally starting the challenge! I love citrus! Thanks for putting this together. Time to get started canning and learning.

  13. Howdy all! It's cold in Michigan but I am looking forward to heating up the kitchen with some canner steam!

  14. gramma greenjeans -
    i just clarified in point 2 in the body of the post above regarding the entry posting week for january. i hope this is clear now.

    carter - another good place to look for jars is on amazon. and some places even offer free shipping! please do contact me regarding sign up because for sure i will fit you in now! it's not too late!

    la table de nana - love to see your posts here! so happy you were inspired to buy some jars. i am sure there will be much enticing you to fill them around here in 2010!

    daisy driver, julia, alexa, cathy, motherskitchen, zoey - welcome!

  15. Just checking in to see what is going on and I see we're doing CITRUS! Excellent!

  16. What fun! I'm just so glad to get to participate. This is going to be great.

    Can't wait to get started with citrus.

    Thanks Tigress!

  17. Perfect Tigress - now to source some sustainably grown organic citrus since that is one thing that doesn't grow in the wet Pacific NW!

  18. Yay, citrus! Now, if only I hadn't posted that peel-free tangerine maramalade post LAST month. I suppose I must therefore get creative...looking fowrard to a year's worth of challenge.

  19. michelle, theresa, gloria & doris-

  20. Thanks so much for organizing this Tigress. I really appreciate the choice of citrus since I happen to have a surplus and already decided it would be my personal theme of the month. I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone decides to do, including myself... too many options!

  21. I've been having citrus canning dreams lately - Doris, don't you dare apologize for your no-peel marmalade; it inspired me. I may just post a few of my citrus recipes this month, experimenting to get just the right one. And Sustainable Eats - I'd love to hear about the fermented marmalade process, too.
    Carter - another place for jars are spots like Tractor Supply and Farm and Family Home Centers - those places have jars all the time.
    So glad to be part of this, Tigress...and congrats that it's over 120 participants! ;)

  22. Yay! I'm so excited to start jamming!
    I have a few jars of my Pure Gold marmalade left, so I think I'll try a new recipe...hmmm, let's see what clementines can do!

  23. Hello! I am excited to be a part of this and can't wait to see what everyone chooses to do.

    I am a bit nervous about reaching outside of my box to participate, but am looking forward to the challenge.

    It's nice to meet you all and wishing you all a Happy New Year!!

  24. I found a stash of jars today at an Ace Hardware. Thanks so much for the suggestions ladies! (and gentleman if there are any out there haha)

    Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! I'm off to find a good citrus recipe...

  25. Hi Everyone!
    We are both ridiculously excited about getting started with the can jam! Our families think we're totally nuts.

    We did our first marmalade last month, so I'm thinking maybe a chutney for January...although who can have too much marmalade?
    Oh, and I would love to hear more about the fermented marmalade as well!

  26. karen, pat, catalina, christian, megan & mason -

    carter - so glad you found jars. that's a good thing about canning in january - they are not hard to come by like they can be in june!

  27. Hi everyone,

    Excited to get jammin, and dreams of citrus are floating through my head. And who knew kumquats were citrus?? I didn't - they always put me in mind of apricots, so I'm guessing I usually see dried ones.

    I'll put in another vote for a fermented marmalade recipe - very intriguing. Maybe you could link it to a water-bath-canned recipe and we'll all get a two-fer for the month? :)

    Happy canning!


  28. kaela - hello!

    for everone that has inquired about the fermented marmalade recipe, it is posted on annette's sustainable eats. so check it out!

    i've also posted the link on my facebook page. i will be linking to recipes i find and like each month that feature our chosen fruit or vegetable so if you are so inclined and are on facebook - i'll see you there!

  29. Ruth here, non-blogger. Ready to can something citrus. Just is time too, after all the pickle and jam gifts over the holidays - my larder is looking a little sad.

    Will look for organic, since local is totally out of the question here in Western Mass. Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes. Can on!

  30. Tigress, thank you again for hosting! I'm planning on trying a marmalade, as I've never done one. Probably orange.

  31. great stuff, lots of fun and we are excited to get going to. We have settled on a base recipe for something a little different than we have done before and so excited to see everyone else all excited and sharing!

  32. I made some lemon curd and canned it yesterday evening. It really is good, but I used bottled lemon juice because I wanted to have a reasonable acidity. I'm a new blogger, and I keep fooling around with my blog format and contents. I'd love to get some comments!

    Here's the link:

    I'll probably do some marmalade too, but since I am in the Pac NW, I don't think I'll be able to use anything locally grown.

    Let me know when you get to pears and cherries.... I'm also an orchardist!

  33. mimi & wellpreservedtoronto - welcome!

    ruth - i am in the same boat as you, nyc or western mass are not known for their citrus orchards! i am looking around to see what i can find. let me know if you find a good source.

    oh yes i can! - your new blog looks nice. also, please note that only recipes that are posted in the designated week each month will be included in the round-up post. january's week is listed in the above post. thanks!

  34. Thank you for sponsoring this can jam. Though I only found it today, I am intending to play along. Marmalade January here I come!

    Alison of Acorn Cottage

  35. oooh, finding local citrus in MD in Jan...not gonna happen, but what a way to use some of that fruit basket gift!...or maybe I'll find some tasty organic fare? Excited to see what I can put together-also recruited some pH paper and maybe a meter to asure acidity.

  36. I just wanted to say hi to everyone! *waves*

    I canned for the first time this past Christmas as part of homemade gift baskets that hubby and I made for our families. I loved it so much that when I heard about this group, I knew I had to join! I can't wait to try new fruits and flavors - so excited! :-)

  37. Am relatively new at all this and am excited to try something citrus-y. Probably a marmalade. I am having trouble getting this posted,so am using Anonymous...but i am really "Sandra"

  38. alison, diana, tracy and sandra - welcome!

  39. Hi fellow canners!!

    I joined this can jam because I am a total closet canner, and my husband thinks he married a 70 yr old woman trapped inside the body of a 28 yr old ;) I am super excited because I've been canning for a few years now (pretty gangsta at it if I do say so myself), and I love to experiment with new canning recipes. I look forward to the challenge each month!!!

  40. Hi again!
    We're pretty new to canning, so I thought one of you more experienced preservers might be able to help with a question. I just ordered a batch of dates in bulk, and I'd really like to make a lemon-date chutney for the can jam this month. The only recipe that I've found is not a canning recipe, so I'm not sure if it would be okay to use a water bath to can it. I've looked for similar recipes, but can't find any. It calls for 1/4 c. of lemon juice to about 12 oz. of other ingredients. Would that be acidic enough? Or do you think that I could use a different lemon chutney recipe that calls for raisins, but substitute dates for the raisins? Any advice (or recipe suggestions!) would be appreciated. Sorry for the rambling post!

  41. A friend of mine and I would like to participate in this challenge and hope we are not too late. We know we missed the registration deadline, but maybe we can sneak in?

  42. Same here. I'd really like to join in if you're taking latecomers--just found this post today!

  43. With all the holiday craziness I actually forgot I had joined and I'm thrilled all over again! Off to brainstorm about citrus. Thanks for your work. Cath-

  44. leena - welcome!

    megan/mason - even experienced canners shouldn't guess at acidity because the possible consequences if it is not acidic enough are too great. always make sure to use a current recipe from a reputable source. the usda's national center for home food preservation website is also a very good source for information on water bath canning.

    ap269 & melissa - please email me.

    cathy - well! so glad you remembered in time! ;) welcome!

  45. I'm so excited to be part of this, and I'm SO glad I'm not the only one to get Technotronic stuck in my head while canning. :D

  46. Hi, Ruth here. Still not a blogger but a little confused. I just made a batch on pickled orange rind (which is fantastic BTW) and just read that only posted recipe will be included in the final round-up post. Does that mean we post the recips with our comments? Or are there recipes we are supposed to choose from?

    As the year progesses, you will come to understand that while comfortable in the world of gray, I do like the know the rules.

    PS I got good citrus at the local Coop - River Valley Mkt. in Northampton. Cost a mint, but gorgeous!

  47. katie - welcome!

    ruth - the rules are a little different for the non-bloggers. you can do a recipe before the round-up post, or choose one once i post the round-up linking to all of the participating bloggers recipes. your choice.

    we will be looking to read about your experience each month in the comment section of the round up post, and looking for your photos on flickr. but because a detailed recipe with full directions is difficult to do if you do not have a blog, it is not required for non-blogging participants. but we do want to know what you've done each month!

    i hope that clarifies. pickled orange rind sounds divine!

  48. Hi everyone! So excited & nervous, I haven't done anything other than a canning class last summer at my CSA and a batch of dilly beans. This will be an adventure!

  49. Check out my Crimson Honey Grapefruit:

  50. motherskitchen - hello! looks like a great one!

    please do note that the recipes that are to be included in the round-up post each month for the can jam must be posted in the designated week - usually the 3rd week - as was listed in the initial 'rule' post. the exact week will also be clarified in the post each month listing the chosen fruit or veggie as i have done above. i will only be including those recipes that are posted in the designated week in the round-up post.


  51. Oops! I missed that...I thought they HAD to be posted by the third week, not DURING the third week. I'll repost it during the 3rd week, okay? Sorry I misunderstood!

  52. mk-
    no worries! that sounds perfect - thanks!

  53. I really excited to have joined this group! I've enjoyed canning for years and this is just the 'boost' I need to try new ideas! Looking forward to the year with everyone and excited to read about all of our adventures in canning! THANKS for hosting this awesome idea!!

  54. Sounds great! I'm going to be playing around with marmalade's this month.

  55. I'm so excited about the Can Jam! One of my resolutions this year to to be more moderate with my canning. Instead of having three weekends of MADNESS over the summer, I'm planning to space it out in smaller batches over the course of the year, and the Jam is definitely inspiration (and extra motivation) for that effort.

  56. melanie, kim, & marisa -
    welcome all and i am excited to have you on for the jam!

    marisa - i am in agreement with you, smaller batches and more types of goodies are what i'm aiming for this year.

  57. hi all! this is briggs in seattle. i just got in under the wire--thanks tigress! i'm excited to try to find something savory that to can with citrus. looking forward to the recipe roundup and to a year of fun and canning!

  58. Well I'm doing the happy dance and just need to get my camera out this weekend. I was at the store and saw blood oranges which inspired me for this challenge. I made Blood Orange & Lemon Marmalade. It has a pretty color similar to a blush wine and has a very slight bitter/sweet taste.

  59. Okay, my post about grapefruit marmalade is up!

  60. I did Orange Curd this morning and blogged about it here:

  61. I made a mixture of Minneola oranges,clementines,guava,peaches,mangos and ginger.
    I call it Citrus Sauce
    blogged here:

  62. All right Tigress - I reposted. My crimson honey grapefruit can be found here:

    I am thinking it might be fun to start a google group for us can jammers....your thoughts? That way we can talk among ourselves, instead of communicating via blog comments. Your thoughts? Let me know and I can help make that happen.

  63. I reposted as well:

  64. Ok, mine is (re)posted:

    It's a citrus-honey-ginger jelly.

  65. ohbriggsy- welcome!

    kim - that sounds divine! i can't wait to see the pics!

    sarahbhood, kim, catalina, mom, abc, mk - i look forward to reading them all! how exciting! and for the few of you who posted too early and then reposted. thanks - i truly do appreciate the effort to keep within the parameters - as it will help to keep all organized throughout the year.

    mom - thanks for the suggestion. i would like to keep discussions centralized in the comment sections throughout the jam. as i know there are a lot of people following along who weren't able to sign on officially & my hope is that we can develop a continued and lively discussion for all interested in canning, official can jammers, and everyone following along!

  66. I've never canned anything citrus before... this was fun! My clementine Marmalade is posted here:

  67. I made a batch of Mojito Goodness. AKA Mojito Jelly. I adapted the recipe for Mint Jelly from the SureJel box, using the ratio I typically use when I make a pitcher of Mojitos (which flow like tap water at my house in the summer). I posted some pics on the flicker page.

    I'm not a blogger, butI did write about it here (just ignore the rest of my posts which involve snarking on town govt).

  68. My citrus marmalade post is up:

  69. My freaky Buddha's hand marmalade post is up!

  70. My Lemon Curd is up on my blog:

  71. Ciao Tigress-

    I'm glad you clarified about the canning process you wanted us to use. I do a lot of pressure canning at this time of year and was wondering about that, so thanks.

    I'm not a blogger but I think what I will do is post my recipes/photos on and include that link here for my stuff.

    So many people are doing marmalades, I'm going to do some research this week to see what I can make with my very favourite citrus, the blood orange. I'm planning on making the marmalade as well, but I'd like to see if I can branch out with something different along the citrus lines.

  72. My recipe's up!

  73. Our Spiced Lemon pickles are up!

  74. It can only get better from here!

  75. My Roasted Lemon Marmalade (batch #3) is up at Kitchen Jam. This was a lot of fun!

  76. I just published another citrus post - it's from last year, but it fits in here so perfectly that I couldn't resist:
    Lemon & Lime Syrup with Mint and Lemon Balm

  77. I finally got the photo uploaded so my post is officially live! Had a great time making this super easy lime marmalade and I learned a few things I'll use next time I make it. Here's the post: Lime+Sugar=Limalade

  78. After making the freaky Buddha's hand marmalade, I figured I should try making some with the tradtional Seville Orange

  79. I made Lime Marmalade with Persian Limes. It seems that I'm not the only one who chose limes. Yummy!

    Lime Marmalade: Tigress Can Jam #1

  80. I may have gotten a little carried away, but here are two "bonus" citrus preserve recipes (though only one is actually water-bath canned):

    (Grapefruit Curd and Pickled Clementine Quarters)

  81. hey everyone-
    just want to let you know that while you are certainly welcome to post the URL to your recipe post here in the comment section - it is not necessary as i have everyone in my google reader and have been checking all this week so i know when people post. there will be a link to everyone's entry post in my round-up post next wednesday.

    now what i would like to encourage is some lively discussion in the comment section of the round up post! questions, learnings, etc...

  82. Well my DH thinks I'm I was canning another citrus recipe this morning at 8:30 AM (in my PJs). It's Lime & Lemon Mint Infused own thrown together recipe. Will have to get DH to snap a pic & post.

  83. If anyone wants to print out labels for their canned goods: I posted a link on my homepage (it's right above my can jam badge). It's in German, but I guess you'll figure out which label to take by looking at the pictures. In the left sidebar there is an alphabetic directory where you find all fruit, like A (Apfel = apple, Ananas = pineapple, etc.: you get the idea). So for the citrus challenge the relevant letters would be "C" for all citrus, "O" for oranges, "L" for limes, "G" for grapefruit", "Z" for lemon (=Zitrone in German)... Hope this helps. I'm really thrilled I found this site!

  84. We missed the deadline, but managed to get our canning done yesterday. I've got to be more prepared for last minute set backs!

    I really want to try some of these preserved/pickled lemons I keep seeing everyone can. They sound like they would be a great addition to plain old rice and veg.


  85. While not an official entrant in the Can Jam (missed the deadline, working full time, just started school for my MBA, and a mother of twin toddlers - didn't think that I could make the official commitment), I'm still going to try and do something monthly. Made my first ever marmalade in January (but can't upload the photos, grrrrr....), and cannot wait to see the February ingredient.

  86. Ciao all-

    Well I never did manage to find a non-marmalade recipe for the blood oranges I wanted to use and I sort of ran out of time to meet the deadline. In truth, I think I subconsciously rebelled against canning in January since I do SO MUCH during the course of the year, I just needed a break.

    I'm still going to make the blood orange marmalade, but it's on hold for the time being. I've got a LOT of seed organization still going on which is sucking up a lot of my time.

    Hopefully, I can get my act together for this can jam thing in Feb!

  87. I will have to bookmark this and stop by more often.

    A pleasure to come to your site. Thanks very much!

  88. I have a great recipe for Dandelion Jelly...yes the little yellow flower, I have some pics of some on my blog. I make it every spring, my neighbors think I'm nuts because I sit on my front lawn picking dandelions and stripping the petals out to make jelly...then they eat some and cannot get enough!

  89. This event sounds really fun, 'should be a yearly event. "Pump up the jam" :)

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