Saturday, November 6, 2010

another amazing give-away!

first things first: the winner of my birthday give-away was pat from two by the sea. her book of choice from the food preserving pages of my larder on amazon was mes confitures by christine ferber. good choice pat - enjoy!

if you didn't win, don't despair because i have something i am so excited about i can hardly contain myself!

my fellow preservationist, and lovely blogger, shae from hitchhiking to heaven has created a tell-all ebook!

tell all what you ask?

well, she tells you all about making her prizewinning jams of course!

like this fine specimen

...and this one too!

both of which i was lucky enough to get my paws on when i met shae at a strawberry picking hoe-down back in june.

trust me when i tell you, these aren't you're grandmother's jams!

(unless of course your grandmother was a prizewinning jam maker and her jams were decades ahead of her time.)

know what i'm sayin'?

there's seven recipes in all and each and every one had shae walking away with a ribbon from the marin county fair in 2010! her exacting and warm style takes the intimidation out of master jam-making, making this little ebook a gem for those just starting to jam and for the seasoned jammer.

and guess what peeps?

i have one copy to give away!

jump on in the comment section below by midnight saturday november 13th and let me know why you just need to win this ebook!


but wait, there's more!

you can double your chances by hopping over to what julia ate and signing up there too. 'cause julia knows what's up when it comes to jammin' - and she's got one copy to give away!

oh lucky day!


  1. Lately I've been concentrating on improving the set to my jams, and I'm sure this book would help me immensely!

  2. I've been making jams with commercial pectin for years. I'd love to learn a new way.

  3. I'm supposed to be writing my dissertation, but this would give me a distraction!

  4. I need this book because it is inspirations personified. Almost as good as having Shae in my kitchen.

  5. I need this book because there are a dozen frozen homemade croissants in my freezer, and it would be a crime to soil them with less than perfect jam! Kelly

  6. I would love to have a copy of this book for a bit of new inspiration. I know Shae often works with new flavour combos and I'd love to get some confidence to do that myself.
    Great giveaway!

  7. i would love to win just so i can get some new ideas for canning! thanks :) k

  8. I'm new to canning and making jam so this book would be a great way to immerse myself in a very tasty project.

  9. I need this because I'm just starting to make jam, it's best to start with the best, right? ;)

  10. I love to make jam but lack that special zing. A great book like this would help me to put my bragging sister-in-law in second place!!

  11. I also make non-traditional jams that my own grandmother comments that she has still never heard of (banana rum, banana foster, banana nut bead, lavender etc...yes, all jams!). I could use some commraderie and new inspirations! Suzanne from

  12. I can use some new pointers for my Mid-state fair entries, and I'd also love to share it with my 4-H Food Preservation group.

  13. I'd love to learn some secrets on how to improve my jams! Sign me up! :-)

  14. I NEEEEEED to win this book so I can become better at my jam making since I'm headed for early retirement next year and jam making is on the retirement "to do" list! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  15. I have passionately taught myself to can and I love it.... I am new to canning and need to learn the proper way to can and also want to learn from the best with wonderful recipes... please, please pick me!!!!

  16. I have planted loads of fruit bushes this year and could do with some really good tips on turning the crops into jam

  17. Tigress, I need this ebook because I have been sooooo good about not acquiring any more cookbooks for the last three months. I haven't purchased anything matter how much I wanted it...because I'm committed to not purchasing any new books while I'm creating an annex cookbook storage facility over the cupboards in my teeny tiny kitchen (having overwhelmed the three (3!) bookcases in my living room with content.) But I am seriously jonesing for a taste of preserving cookery - and winning wouldn't be buying, now, would it? So please, help contribute to my delinquency...I mean, addiction...I mean, desire to learn and grow as a jam preserver. Yeah, that's it. ;)

  18. I NEEED need neeeeed this book in order to feed my addiction. Why only recently I purchased 31 cases of jars and they require filling. I just want to get my fix is all -- really it's quite harmless.

  19. I've never made jam. And never will, without THIS to motivate me.


  20. Having this book would make my further forays into canning here in Tokyo improve by leaps and bounds. A friend just sent me a water-bath canner and some jars, which I'd been pining and whining about for some time now. (I didn't buy them the last time we were home, and regretted it almost immediately when the yuzu were ripe and it was time to make marmalade.) Now, the apples are coming on, and there's a bevy of winter fruit that will be crying out for canning and jamming. The book would make a world of difference on this side of the world.

  21. I'm a preservaphile. I love preserves. Growing, harvesting, prepping, boiling, jarring, storing, sampling, gifting or selling at the market. I *love* me some preserves.

  22. would love to start with the best!

  23. I love jam on toast. In fact I love toast and wish to eat as many homemade jams as I can on toast. Oh, and I find it quite fun to preserve. :)

  24. I would love this! My jamming to date has been terribly unimaginative. I could use some inspiration!

  25. I need this because I've already made her tayberry jam and it was A-mazing and would love to try many more of her recipes!

  26. The set of my jams always seems to turn out to hard or too runny.

    maynekitty at live dot com

  27. I need this because I'm a bit of a jam rut and could use some inspiration.

  28. Lovin' all the jammin' going on!

  29. I am always looking for new combinations of flavors to use, particularly since I tend to give jams away as Christmas gifts.

  30. I need this book because my boyfriend has been away in Sierra Leone for the past five months and I am going to visit him in December. I was planning to bring him some of my jam anyway but would love to surprise him with some amazing prize-winning not-my-grandmother's jam.

  31. I would love to make something differant. I'm not very adventurous on my own!

  32. I need to win this book because my PhD-in-progress will never get be an income-generating job! I need to master the art of jamming and canning, and my adviser seems to think so, too, with his constant reminders that I should try to marry up. I've got the baking down -- I just need to get the preserving down in order to be a good ole trophy wife! (Also: canning and baking keep me sane in between writing about Nazi history and Weimar juridical theory.)

  33. I'm sorry, I don't think I'm supposed to be commenting, but I just can't stand it. These responses are giving me ear splitting grins and laugh out loud blurts. Way to ask a good question! Way to give good answers. :-)

  34. My jams with commercial pectin just don't set up properly and I need some encouragement/advice from a jam-master!

  35. I have no reason that tops SisterMaryKate's answer. I feel her anguish having abandoned a engineering degree over 20 years ago for a graphic design career that seems to be doing ok for know (touch wood). Although I got to say, all that stuff about print is dead leads to the desire for good reliable e-reading. This ebook could be the start of a whole new elibrary. AND Canning does seem like a way to feed me and my husband if nothing else. Although, I still love the wit that is SisterMaryKate! Have fun picking a winner amongst all your lovely readers!

  36. "need" is maybe too strong a word. I WANT this because the pictures made me salivate immediately and because I give jam to all my family for Christmas presents. So really, it's for the good of the entire family. ;D

  37. I want this book because dangit, my jams only took second in the state fair. I wanna win that blue ribbon!
    That, and, well, the husband and I just plain like jam :)

  38. I need this book because I made lots of jams this summer and didn't get a refresher until I found your Plum Noir jam recipe and well I was hooked on the flavors and well this book wold inspire me well into another blessed canning season,or at least help me make my list for next year!

  39. i need it because shae is awesome and i would also like to be awesome.

  40. I need this book because I am in love with books about canning. Please pick me!

  41. I would love to get this book because I need to corrupt my boyfriend's palate with delicious flavor combinations instead of his preferred tried-and-true, just-berries jams.

  42. I need help! My rudimentary attempts at jam making have been very hit or miss so far without the commercial pectin. I really want to go without but need serious guidance.

  43. Those jellies are makin me drool, that's why!

  44. I think this book is just the thing I need to take my jam to the next level!

  45. I have embraced canning in manner one with OCD would admire. Ever since I popped by canning cherry, I have been canning every other weekend (a couple of months now). I feel that my feet first approach would make the Trigress proud, earning me a spot in her good graces.

  46. Oh my! That looks wonderful! I'd love to win, because I just started jamming this past summer. It was such a roaring success that I'm already planning next year's recipes. And my lovely daughter who is headed off to college will surely appreciate some homemade jam in her care packages!

  47. I would absolutely love this book. My mom is in a nursing home where they do a lot of crafts. The past 2 years she has entered her artwork in the tri-county fair here and come home with blue ribbons and an overall 2nd place (it has a fancy name but can't remember it right now.) I have wanted to enter something in the fair but unfortunately I feel like her creative gene isn't swimming in my gene pool. So I may not be able to do ceramics...but I can cook. :o) Just need inspiration and instructions which I know Shae's book would provide. Her recipes are nothing short of Heavenly.

  48. Ack! I started canning this year and am completely addicted. I have a few books, and online recipes, of course, but I want prize-winning ones! Love the blog - thanks for sharing all of your recipes, too. :)

  49. I've done my share of canning but have mostly stuck to sauces, fruit, and tomatoes. I've been really wanting to branch out to some other areas - mainly jams and jellies! I was just making the blogging rounds and realized that I just missed the deadlines for this giveaway at other blogs but then I saw that yours was still going! Thanks for the opportunity!

  50. I am a subscriber to hitchhiking to heaven and love Shae's take on jams. I need a copy of her book to shake my own efforts up a little.

  51. I would love to win this as I need some inspiration. And the fact maybe this would help me in the times when I still can't figure out if my jams or marmalades have reached the right setting stage, no matter how I test it, like the failed blood orange marmalade at the beginning of the year. And I like to do different takes on stuff and not always do the norm when it comes to flavours and fruits and at the same time not wanting to use commercial pectin.

  52. I have a home orchard and need to get creative with all the fruit coming off in the fall. This book would ROCK!

  53. I canned and "jammed" some years ago (c.1979 -- so I would have been... 15, right? *wink*) but not much since, so I have no tips or advice for my daughter.

    My daughter is a truly wonderful and creative cook! She *loves* jams and preserves--the more interesting the better--but has never tried making them. I'm sure that she'd be thrilled with the recipes in Shae's book, and the thorough directions would guarantee great results and instill confidence in a first-timer. :D

    It's been a tough year for (a LOT of) us, too, and Shae's recipes would make more awesome Christmas gifts than we could afford even if our last name was Trump.

    All that said, I hope this will be a drawing because everyone sounds worthy of winning -- good luck to them all!

  54. Wow! You have a plethora of worthy winners already. Good luck choosing. I too would love this book; having just sat with the family around the table eating breakfast of my first marmalade. (Apple and Rosemary made two days ago) A triumph! I am so hooked - I would just love to have this book for more inspiration. Just looking out of the window at a pigeon pecking at my last windfall apples ... the blue tits and magpies had a bit of a feast yesterday too. Now they've had their share - shall I retrieve the rest and get the jars in the oven? M from Kent - Garden of England xx

  55. I'm always looking for new inspirations!

  56. I would so love this book because I am just starting to break out from somewhat traditional canning recipes and I would love to begin this breaking out period with this book - so lovely and amazing!

  57. Why do I NEED this? Because I have started to become more adventurous in my jam-making and need to refine my techniques!

  58. I just *have* to have this book!!! I would love to really do some more creative jams/jellies. I promise, I will block out some time off from my day job to try as many as I can. (I promise)

  59. I NEED to win this because after finally finding Meyer lemons in my local grocery store (although at 2.99 for four of them) I absolutely am in love and need the meyer lemon marm recipe with Shae's tips on how to make it....
